How to Write a Motivation Letter for an International Scholarship

The role of a motivational letter is important to get admission to any university or to apply for a scholarship. Unless you are providing the motivational letter, this is almost impossible to get the scholarship. The letter describes about you and your past activities. However, before we move deeper, some brief ideas over a motivational letter will help you realize the facts.

What is a motivational letter?

Well, this is a type of letter or short guide that describes the potentials of a candidate. The letter is also known as the statement of purpose. Usually, the candidates are not present physically when they apply for a scholarship. They send some specific documents which represent them indirectly. A motivational letter one of such documents that will describe you amid your absence.

Therefore, this is a must to write a smart and dynamic motivation letter. If the letter is not up to the mark, the scholarship providing authority will not look at it for more than half a minute. But if you can impress them, they will go through the last line of the letter. And the process of getting the scholarship becomes easier.

Considerations for a motivational letter

Remember, a motivation letter needs to be precise. At the same time, you are to provide all the necessary information. Missing any important information may result in the cancellation of the candidature. The following facts should be kept in mind while preparing a motivational letter. You can also get some other ideas by following the other samples of this website.

Length: basically, there are no standard length of a motivational letter. So, or course it does not point out that you will write five or six pages as a motivational letter. And put all the histories of your life. Instead, try to make the motivational letter smaller in size. Try to place all the information in a single page. Bear in mind that the scholarship authorities have no such time to go through all the lines of your letter. Rather, they will focus on the key points.

So, adding the key points, make the motivational letter short and precise. If you can complete it under one page, that would be the best.

What to include: Earlier it was said a motivational letter represents you. So, you need to have all the necessary information. The information may include as following-

  • Full name
  • Mailing address
  • Authority you are applying to
  • Salutation
  • Body of the letter

This is important to remember that this is not a traditional job cover letter. So, the things are a bit different here. Make sure you fill all the information accurately. Making mistakes is strictly prohibited for a motivational letter. Before you finalize the motivation letter, check and crosscheck the information. They will be playing the lead role in helping you get the scholarship.

The body: the body of the motivational letter is the most important part. This is the key part to focus. If you cannot make the body perfect, this is not possible to get the scholarship. The body is the key to help you win the scholarship. It will contain all the necessary details. The body will describe who you are and what you did. It also will explain why you are the most suitable for the scholarship and what your contributions would be in the next stages.

However, bear in mind that the body contents should not be boring. They should come with some formal approaches and deliver the key messages. And it should not be lengthy too. You need to complete the body within three paragraphs. Of course, you can add paragraphs more but those would cross the limit of the one-page motivational letter.

What to include on the body?

First of all, you have to describe the key purpose of the scholarship. A few lines are sufficient to describe the purposes. Make sure you use the right words to describe the scholarship and how this is beneficial for students.

In the second paragraph of the body, explain how it will help you to improve your skills and expertise. Always focus on a broader goal. If you are an engineer, describe how the scholarship will enhance your existing skills. Or if you are a student of social science, explain what you can gain from the studies under the courses of the scholarship. Let the university authority know that you need to have the scholarship for the overall betterment of the society and the world.

In the last paragraph, summarize the entire facts. Urge the authority to consider your application based on the grounds mentioned above. Besides, thank them for going through the motivation letter. And also ask for their response over the matter. Be confident in describing all the facts and information.


Motivation letter sample

June 20, 2019


Bachelor of Civil law

University of Oxford

Sub: Application for the scholarship for international students


This is Thomas from Cambodia. I am student of civil law at a local university here. Recently, I came to know from that you are providing a Fulbright scholarship for international students to complete a post-graduation.

In my country, Cambodia, I have studied law and other related course. The courses were well defined and I have completed all the courses with great success. Now, this is time to serve the nation. But another issue pooped up on my mind that getting an international degree from a globally reputed institution like University of Oxford will help me get more comprehensive knowledge. After completing the excellent courses at Oxford, I can apply them in my real-life. And it would be helpful for the people living in Cambodia. They are still lagging in some aspects and need an improvement in their life. Only the updated knowledge on law and order issues can provide a great relief to them. My role would be providing them with the right kind of support.

Therefore, if I can have the scholarship, it would be a great opportunity for me to serve the locals of my country. Besides, I can also be able to contribute on the overall development of the country and the world in general. So, I have applied for scholarship in the upcoming Summer semester. All my necessary details are attached here in for your kind consideration.

Thank you once again for going through the application. I am also expecting your kind feedback.


Yours faithfully,

Thomas Arora

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