Percentage | German Grade | Details |
90-100% | 1.0-1.5 | Very Good (sehr gut) |
80-90% | 1.6-2.5 | Good (gut) |
65-80% | 2.6-3.5 | Satisfactory (befriedigend) |
50-65% | 3.6-4.0 | Sufficient (ausreichend) |
0-50% | 5.0-6.0 | Failed (nicht bestanden) |
Grades in Germany are based on a linear grading scale from 1.0 to 6.0. The German Grading Calculator or Germany GPA Calculator can convert grades from the traditional A to F United States grading system to the German grading system.
Basically, the US uses a letter-grading system that ranges from 1.0 to 4.0 with an option for a plus or minus on top of that. On the other hand, the US system resembles somewhat of a percentage or points-based system with 1.0 being an utterly failing grade and 6 being outstanding results.
Also, the German grading system is more complicated than the American grading system.
In order to help the students who may be going between these two systems, we have our German Grade Calculator or Germany GPA Calculator. This calculator is also famous for the term Grade Conversion Using the Bavarian Formula.
Germany GPA Calculator: A Brief Introduction
Basically, the Germany GPA Calculator is a valuable tool for students who are planning to study in Germany. And this calculator allows students to assess their academic performance and convert their grades into the German grading system. By the way, you may wanna know your ECTS from Credit Points to study in Germany.
With this helpful tool, students can understand how their performance aligns with the local grading standards, facilitating their academic progress and enhancing their chances for further opportunities.
You can explore numerous other online tools that can simplify your daily life!
Additionally, the German GPA calculator which is popularly known as the German Grading Calculator proves instrumental for international students, as it aids in determining their eligibility for scholarships, academic recognition, and job opportunities within the German job market.
How to convert German Grades in a simple & effective way?
Basically, German grades are a system of assigning values to students’ work at the educational institution. This system also evaluates the grading of students’ performance at universities.
Another key point is, the German grade system is based on a scale of 1 to 6, with 1 being the best grade and 6 being the worst.
German Grading System (Percentage)
What is a German Grade?
In fact, a German grade is a system of letter grades used in European schools including Germany. This grading system usually translates to an American grade system, although the translation may vary from school to school.
The most common grading scale for German academic institutes is as follows:
- 1 = Sehr gut (very good)
- 2 = Gut (good)
- 3 = Befriedigend (satisfactory)
- 4 = Ausreichend (sufficient)
- 5 = Mangelhaft (deficient)
Are Grades Important in Germany? (Using Germany GPA Calculator)
Sometimes, yes, sometimes not! Your grades actually don’t too much matter if you have some sort of skills to solve the problems. However, if you have done some projects and taken subjects in a similar field you are applying for, then you are good to go to Germany.
How do I Convert My Grades to ECTS?
How do you calculate ECTS? Very easy! To calculate your ECTS in a particular subject, Add up your credit hours for the subject in 1 week, then multiply it will the total weeks for the subject. Finally, Divide it by 30 (1 ECTS = 30hrs). That will be your total ECTS in the subject. You can use our ECTS Calculator for that.
German Grading System at a Glance
Grade Conversion Using the Bavarian Formula
What we popularly know as the German Grade Calculator is officially something else. This calculator is officially known as the Bavarian Formula. Actually, the Bavarian Formula is a way of converting German grades to their US equivalents by using the Grade Point Averages (GPAs).
The German grading system uses the “Bavarian Formula“. It calculates the average score. This Bavarian Formula was invented in 1975. It stands for Durchschnitt, Höchstpunkte, Mindestpunkte, and Corresponding GPA.
This formula also calculates a student’s grade based on their GPAs in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and England.
What is a Good GPA in Germany?
Basically, 1.0–1.5 is very good (excellent performance), 1.6–2.5 is good (performance well above average), 2.6–3.5 is satisfactory (average performance) and 3.6–4.0 is sufficient (performance meets the minimum standards).
Is a 3.6 GPA Good?
Yes, a 3.6 GPA is considered very good in Germany, if it is on a scale of 4. The German grading system converts it to roughly a 1.3 on their scale, which is excellent. This GPA reflects high academic performance and would be well-regarded by German universities and employers.
Germany GPA Calculator or German Grading Calculator FAQs
How to convert CGPA to German Grading Scale?
Surprisingly it is actually not hard at all. You have to put your acquired CGPA in the calculator box. Our German Grade Calculator will calculate it automatically. Say for example if you achieved 3.45 in your graduation out of 4.00 then your German grade would be 1.73 which is ‘gut’.
Is 2.3 a Good Grade in Germany?
Yes, it (1.7 to 2.3) is good, seen as a relatively good result (A to B) in the German Grade System.
What is my GPA in Germany?
Just please have a look at the table inserted here to get your GPA in the German Grade Scale. 80-90% = 1.6-2.5 = Good (gut) 👍 65-80% = 2.6-3.5 = Satisfactory (befriedigend) 👍 50-65% = 3.6-4.0 = Sufficient (ausreichend) 👎 0-50% = 5.0-6.0 = Failed (nicht bestanden)
Is 1.9 a Good Grade in Germany?
In sum, German universities grade with a scale of 1.0 to 5.0. Grade point 1.0–1.5 is sehr gut (very good: an outstanding achievement) 1.6–2.5 is gut (good) and 2.6–3.5 is befriedigend (satisfactory).
What is a Good Grade for a Master in Germany?
It is the same as Bachelor, 1.0-1.5! At the end of the course, students will be awarded a grade based on their achievements. A good grade for a Masters’s in Germany is 1.0-1.5 which is sehr gut, while 1.6-2.5 qualifies as gut.
What is Bavarian formula?
The so-called Modified Bavarian Formula is a well-known concept. It entails calculating a potential score at your university by subtracting the lowest passing grade from the highest possible score achievable. Then multiply the result by three and add 1.
What is a Failing Grade in Germany?
The Grading Scale at German Universities is a bit complicated since you are not from the German academic system. In Germany, universities use a 5.0 grading scale to assess students’ performance. The scale goes from 1.0 to 6.0. Grades 5.0 and 6.0 are considered failing grades in the evaluation system!
Converting German Grades to American Grades (Ausgezeichnete Note to an A+)
In conclusion, we would like to say that, the process of converting German grades to American grades is a bit complicated. It depends on the type of German grade and the type of American grade.
In order to convert German grades to American grades, you need to know what the equivalent is. For example, a Note 1.0 in Germany is equivalent to a ‘C’ in the US (America).
In the US, grading systems range from A+ to F, with each grade representing a specific level of achievement. In Europe, the scale ranges from 1.0 to 6.0 (1 being the best). That’s why the conversion between these two systems is not always straightforward.
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