Top 5 Ways A Student Must Perceive To Develop Creativity


Creativity refers to the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. However, creativity is a vital skill student needs to be successful in school and life. It helps with problem-solving, contributes to our satisfaction in life, and gives us a sense of purpose. Being creative helps us relax and brings enjoyment to our lives. Creative education is when students are able to use imagination and critical thinking to create new and meaningful forms of ideas where they can take risks, be independent and flexible. Instead of memorizing anything, students learn to develop their ability to find various solutions to a problem. They learn through this process as different parts of the brain jump into action. Hence. they might discover something they never knew before. Therefore, it’s really crucial to develop creativity in students. In this article, I will illustrate the top 5 ways to develop creativity in students.

1. Take Adequate Sleep

Most of us are aware of how important sleep is and can immediately feel when we have not had enough. We may feel more irritable, lack concentration, have difficulty remembering details, etc due to lack of proper sleep. Adequate sleep not only is critical for one’s overall health and wellness, but it can also boost creativity. Both left and right sides of the brain contribute to the creative process. Better sleep helps the brain make connections and solve problems, fueling the creative process. Without sleep, the brain struggles to form ideas. Hence, it’s really crucial for the students to take an adequate amount of sleep in order to develop creativity.

2. Pitch Your Ideas

The task of bringing an idea to someone with the power to do something with it is a pitch idea. You might have brilliant and innovative thinking capability but if you can’t explain it properly to others then there is no point in having that creativity. Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply then you don’t understand it well”. One of the most important innovation skills is the ability to present a very short and clear description of a new idea and to make a short presentation. Like any other skill, the ability to articulate in this way can only come through much practice. Therefore, learn to pitch your ideas accurately for enhanced creative development.

3. Organize Appropriate Environment

Natural light fosters superior creativity as it encourages a feeling of freedom. This means a naturally lit room makes you feel less anxious, happier, and more productive. A classroom environment that promotes creativity opens them to a world of communication. Students can make better conversation and stimulate innovative thinking and talking sessions in their free time. This also triggers group problem solving and shared learning that gives them a feeling of togetherness. That’s why an adequate learning environment must be organized for students to enable their creativity.

4. Colours Influence Creativity

Colors help learners increase their attention levels on certain information, which helps such information to be transferred to short-term and long-term memories, thus increasing their chance of memorizing such information. The core colors that inspire creativity are orange and yellow. However, orange is said to inspire creativity and enthusiasm. Yellow is said to inspire creativity, imagination, and inspiration. For creative tasks such as brainstorming, blue environmental cues prompt participants to produce exceptionally creative outputs.

5. Encourage Autonomy

Autonomy is people’s need to perceive that they have choices, that what they are doing is of their own volition, and that they are the source of their own actions. Autonomy affords maximum possible influence to the learners which requires and ensures 100% differentiation. It encourages and needs peer support and cooperation. Students who learn autonomously are more capable than non-autonomous peers in creative skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving because their educational settings encourage the development of these skills.

How many types of creativity are there?

Neuropsychologist Arne Dietrich’s research segments creativity into four types.

What are the types of creativity?

  1. Deliberate and cognitive,
  2. Deliberate and emotional,
  3. Spontaneous and cognitive, and
  4. Spontaneous and emotional.

What are the 4 stages of creativity?

  1. Preparation.
  2. Incubation.
  3. Illuminaton.
  4. Verification.

Final Verdict

To sum up, I reiterate that creativity motivates students to learn. The right mix of creativity along with curriculum knowledge helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. When students focus on a creative goal, they become more absorbed in their learning and more driven to acquire the skills they need to accomplish it. Students can grow up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. Creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind. A society that has lost touch with its creative side is an imprisoned society, in that generations of people may be closed-minded. It broadens our perspectives and can help us overcome prejudices. If you find my articles interesting and informative then kindly share our website with your friends and relatives. Have a good day.

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