How to Get German Citizenship by Marriage

How to Get German Citizenship by Marriage

This is a common question among foreigners who are living in Germany or intend to live in Germany, ‘How to get German citizenship‘, ‘How to get German citizenship by marriage or How can they get a settlement permit or German permanent residence permit?

This is the way anyone can stay in Germany indefinitely. It is very similar to the permanent EC residency.

There are some exemptions for getting German permanent residence earlier. But normally highly qualified workers may be issued with a German settlement permit very quickly or in other words, immediately!

How to get German citizenship

There are lots of ways to get German citizenship. One of the best ways to get German citizenship is to study in Germany as an international student.

How to Get German Citizenship by Marriage

How to get German citizenship by marriage

Marriage is a beautiful bond that not only unites two hearts but also has the potential to unite you with a new nationality. In Germany, marrying a German citizen can be your ticket to obtaining German citizenship. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps and requirements for acquiring German citizenship through marriage.

Eligibility criteria

Before you start the journey to German citizenship, it’s essential to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. To be eligible, you must have a legally recognized marriage to a German citizen. In most cases, both you and your spouse must be at least 18 years old, and you should have the legal capacity to enter into the marriage.

Marriage registration

To obtain German citizenship through marriage, you must first ensure that Germany officially recognizes your marriage. This means registering your marriage with the German authorities. You will need to provide documents such as your marriage certificate and proof of identity.

Residency requirements

German citizenship also requires a period of residence in the country. Generally, you’ll need to have lived in Germany for a certain number of years. The exact duration can vary depending on your specific situation, so it’s essential to check with the local authorities.

Language proficiency

A basic knowledge of the German language is usually required. You’ll need to pass the German B1 language test to demonstrate your proficiency. There are language courses available to help you prepare.

Integration course

Taking an integration course is another requirement. This course will help you learn about German culture, society, and legal systems. It’s a way to help you integrate into German society.

Financial stability

Being financially stable is crucial when applying for German citizenship. The German authorities want to ensure that you can support yourself and your family. They will assess your financial situation during the application process.

How to Get German Citizenship

Interview and examination

As part of the application process, you’ll have an interview and may need to take an examination. The interview is to evaluate your knowledge of Germany and your commitment to integration. The examination may cover various aspects of German society and culture.

Dual citizenship

Germany generally doesn’t allow dual citizenship, except in specific situations. You may have to renounce your current citizenship if it conflicts with becoming a German citizen. However, there are exceptions, and you should explore your options.

The application process for German citizenship

Once you’ve met all the requirements, you can start the application process. It involves filling out forms, providing the necessary documents, and paying a fee. The processing time can vary, so be patient during this waiting period.

Waiting period

After submitting your application, you’ll have to wait for the authorities to process it. This waiting period can be a bit stressful, but it’s an essential part of the process. During this period, immigration authorities may grant you a temporary residence permit.

Decision and oath

Finally, the German authorities will make a decision on your application. Once your application receives approval, you will need to take an oath of allegiance. This is a solemn ceremony where you pledge loyalty to Germany. Afterward, you’ll receive your German passport.


Can I apply for German citizenship if my marriage is not legally recognized in Germany?

In order to be eligible for German citizenship through marriage, Germany must legally recognize your marriage.

Do I have to renounce my current citizenship to become a German citizen?

In most cases, yes. Germany’s policy does not permit dual citizenship, which means you may have to renounce your existing citizenship. Nevertheless, there are exceptions and special situations to take into account.

Is there an age requirement for obtaining German citizenship through marriage?

Both you and your spouse must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for this process.

Some basic points to get German citizenship

  • Graduates of German higher education institutions may be able to get a German permanent residence after two years.
  • EU Blue Card holders can apply after working 33 months (or just 21 months with a level B1 language certificate).
  • Self-employed people, with an established business and secure livelihood, may be able to get permanent residency in Germany after three years.
  • Depending on your own circumstances, you may have to prove that you have adequate German language skills, are able to support yourself financially, have health insurance, and do not have a criminal record.

How to get German citizenship

There is a normal procedure… once you have been living permanently in Germany for eight years, you can apply to become a German citizen. Becoming a German citizen will give you more freedom to move around the world without a visa or so-called on-arrival visas.

Obtaining German citizenship not only signifies a deeper integration and acceptance into German society but also grants you the same rights and legal status as other German citizens. But keep in mind permanent residence permits in Germany will not give you the same.

With German citizenship, you will have the right to live in Germany forever and have basic constitutional rights, such as the freedom of assembly and association etc. Besides that, you can vote, move freely through the EU, have consular protection and be exempt from certain German visa requirements. Moreover, you will be eligible to become a civil servant in Germany.

Below are some German citizenship requirements depending on your reason for applying for German citizenship.

How to become a German citizen via naturalization

If you want to become a German citizen via naturalization, most people need to pass an hour-long naturalization test – on legal and social aspects of life in Germany – and fulfill certain basic requirements, listed below.

To get German citizenship, you must have to have:

❯❯ The right of residence at the time of your German citizenship application;
❯❯ Living in Germany permanently and lawfully for eight years. Keep in mind, it could be seven years if you’ve attended an integration course or six in special integration circumstances;
❯❯ Be able to support yourself and dependent family members without the help of welfare or unemployment benefits;
❯❯ Have adequate oral and written German language skills. It’s equivalent to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages);
❯❯ Have no criminal record or convictions;
❯❯ Be committed to the constitutional principles of freedom and democracy.

Don’t worry, if you can’t fulfill every single condition, but you should ask your local foreign office or Ausländerbehörde about your profile. In some cases, there is some exemption. You may be granted discretionary naturalization if it is deemed that your German citizenship would be in the public interest or you can show any special integration.


Obtaining German citizenship through marriage is a significant step in your life, and it comes with numerous requirements. However, with patience, determination, and proper preparation, you can successfully navigate this process. Make sure to consult with legal experts and immigration authorities if you have any specific questions or concerns.

Hope this guideline will help you to get German citizenship. If you find this helpful please share it with others and don’t forget to put your thoughts and comments below. Have fun. 🙂

5 thoughts on “How to Get German Citizenship by Marriage

  1. Yes i have gone through the text which has opened up many unknown issues. It could have been much better if the age limit for pr had been clearly stated.

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